Weekly Email – Week of Oct 19

The funeral for Butter will be this Saturday at the church. Visitation with the family will be at 10:00am, and the service will begin at 11:00am. A lunch in the fellowship hall will follow. I would encourage all who can to attend and be an encouragement to the family.

On Sunday, plan to welcome Jon and Amanda Parker as the newest members of Calvary Baptist Church.

On Sunday morning, we will continue our discussion of description versus prescription in historical narrative, and we’ll lay out some guiding principles that will help us determine when a passage of Scripture is merely recording what happened, as opposed to a passage that is giving us an example that we ought to follow.

In the morning service, we’ll survey the first three chapters of Deuteronomy. These chapters are filled with the history of the nation up to this point, and they recount both God’s faithfulness and the unfaithfulness of God’s people. We’ll see that, for the people of God, history is immensely important, as God’s past faithfulness gives us reason to trust him in the future.

Our afternoon service will continue in discussion of our constitution.

Some links for this week:

In Christ our Lord,

Pastor Michael Riley

• Sunday School – Introduction to Acts, part 2
• Morning Service – The Faithfulness of Our God (Deut 1–3)
• Afternoon Service – Constitution